Building beautifully on yesterdays topic of composite drawings, Teaching Artist Susan Hamburger’s session titled Inside/Outside (Drawing from exterior and interior spaces).
Susan explains: “There is often great tension between the natural world and the attempt that human being make to bend it to their will. Sometimes we take great inspiration from nature, but often we try to defy it. At this critical juncture of global climate change, it makes sense to turn our attention to such matters.”

Susan showed the class examples of work by artists Dawn Clements, a powerhouse with ink and using paper in a truly non-traditional, sprawling manner, observing and recording interior architectural space and nature.

Anselm Keifer who draws attention to the land and it’s ravages by humans. Both these artists serve as starting points for talking about ways to go beyond straight observation to create something poetic and appealing while simultaneously challenging the viewer. and Qiu Zhijie’s, Map of Theater of the World, commissioned by the Guggenheim in 2017, a beautiful ink drawing that takes a metaphorical approach to recording the land, creating a political mapping of the Chinese landscape.

After a demonstration on using black ink, water, and bamboo Sumi brushes, we set out for Pier 44. Students chose their work spaces from the benches with direct views of the water, nicely shaded spaces with low hanging trees, nice sized boulders and open grassy areas.

Interns Vera, Kyra and Leslie helped Susan to distribute materials and the artists got right to work.

I got folding fans to help combat the heat.

We walked back to Kentler for lunch and mid-day critique.

Then Susan presented several options for our afternoon art making including more observational drawings, composite life drawings working either in the gallery or the Kentler yard, or metaphorical/emotional mapping. Students could work collaboratively or on their own.

In both critiques we noticed how this lesson gave students the opportunity for strong self-expression and style while creating a cohesive umbrella with which to consider the work of the group at large. I get so engrossed in our critiquing process that I get sidetracked from photographing all the work. Hopefully I will be more diligent tomorrow. The splendid artwork created in ART YARD Summer Session deserves to be flaunted!

We anticipate another wonderful lesson tomorrow with Teaching Artist Claudia Alvarez!
See you in the morning!
