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Finding Our Virtual Stride

Do you know that feeling when something seems to click into place? All of a sudden you just KNOW how to Hula Hoop with seven hoops at once and one on each arm! Such an expansive moment.


This week in ART YARD Advanced Studio on Zoom Teaching Artist and Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University Marie Roberts led a fantastic figure drawing session. Marie invited Kwami, a professional model who poses for her FDU classes, to join us by Zoom. Advanced Studio artists came prepared for our 2 hour session with several sheets of paper and the drawing materials of our choice.

For our first drawing, Marie asked Kwami to hold two distinct poses for 5 minutes. Then cycle through the 2 poses again. This gave us the appearance of drawing two models. With her whip-sharp memory and keen descriptions, Eden was able to help get each pose exact on the second round.

The second session was the same concept with different poses. Marie helped us to “see” by pointing out details of the room and light as we worked.

The third session was a triple version of the concept.

The fourth drawing was one elegant pose.

Each of us completed many pieces or densely layered single drawings.

After Kwami left for the evening, we continued with a half an hour of lively critique. We really enjoyed each other’s works and it was just delightful to be back to talking about art and ideas with our creative, intelligent, and eclectic group of artists.

Ardelia discussing her work during critique:

A most excellent perk of our virtual sessions is that students with scheduling conflicts or those who have moved out of NYC were able to join us!!

You can check out more of our drawings on the Galleries page of our website.


We are all now eating at home. What are you making? What are you enjoying? This week our CREATE topic is food!

Our CREATE threads remain active -- take a look! If you are member of the ART YARD website you can comment, like posts, ask questions, and post your own art, recipes, photos and more!

I collect the images from CREATE threads for the Galleries. There is a drop down menu which allows you to select which gallery to view (see photo below). You can see more of the delicious images there.


I had a nice email with Angela Tardiff Art Teacher at our partnership school PS 6. The school is currently on spring break and Angela has enjoyed a glorious time in her studio. She also reports that next week PS 6 students will be making art about the topic of food. I look forward to adding their artwork to our food gallery page!


Teaching Artist Iviva Olenick's beautiful piece Felted Planter is included in New York Artists Equity Association Spring Flash Showroom exhibition and sale which you can view online.

Iviva Olenick, "Felted Planter"

In honor of States of Emergenc(y)e, Iviva’s transformation of government-issued emergency blankets given to detained immigrants and children in cages into embroidered and naturally dyed performance quilts, Iviva is leading a free, online embroidery "hangout," Sunday, April 19 at 2pm.

Teaching Artist Flávia Berindoague is continuing work on her Quarantine series:

Flávia Berindoague “Physical Distancing # 2, Day 24, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 36x36"

As am I:

Meridith McNeal, “Magical Things from Quarantine Brooklyn Seltzer”, 2020, watercolor on paper, 12x12”
Meridith McNeal, “Magical Things from Quarantine Coffee in the Garden”, 2020, watercolor on paper, 12x12”

Sending you very best wishes for health, fortitude, and inspiration,

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